Wednesday 31 December 2008

Tree Planting/ Permaculture Workshop @ Al Wallaja, January 3rd

On the 3rd of January there will be a workday/ permaculture workshop in the village of Al Wallaja, close to Beit Jala. The day will start at 10am, working through until the sun goes down.

Abed is a friend of ours whose land is threatened with confiscation by Israeli Authorities, lying as it does close to Gilo settlement, in a zone that is slated for settlement expansion.

Together with Israeli and Palestinian friends, Abed has been resisting eviction from his land, moving into a cave on site, and in spite, or perhaps because of, the lack of water, electricity and sewage infrastructure, he has been building a model for sustainable living and food production, using traditional Palestinian farming and building techniques.

This Saturday we will be joined by Palestinians, Israelis and Internationals, working together to resist colonization and build towards a more positive future for land and people.

We will be sending a delegation, leaving from Bustan Qaraaqa at 9.30am. If you would like to join, call us on 02 2748994 or call Ayala (the organizer) directly on 0546223652 for directions. Bring some food to share for lunch if you can.

Hope to see you there,


the Bustan Qaraaqa team

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